30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations That Depict Things We Rarely Say Out Loud. - Lyfe Buzz


domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

30 Thought-Provoking Illustrations That Depict Things We Rarely Say Out Loud.

You would have to be an introspective and sensitive person to fully appreciate Venezuelan artist Maria Guadarrama's thought-provoking comic series called "The Unspoken Truth." The drawings reflect the kind of situations and emotions that pretty much every one of us can relate to. The most obvious feelings we've all experienced collectively are solitude and heartbreak, which are featured heavily in her illustrations.

Maria, who now resides in Santiago, Chile, is a graphic designer by day, but in the evenings, she allows her passion for drawing to rise to the surface. Living in a different country, also allows her to appreciate what it's like to experience solitude, which she also portrays in these incredible comics.

Have you ever felt like you wanted to have a one-on-one with your significant other, but he didn't?

Everyone can relate to those moments when you and your significant other don't seem to be on the same page when you're trying to have a serious conversation, but not because you can't agree on something. His mind just to be somewhere else... like in outer space.

Time heals all wounds, even when it seems like your heart is never going to fix itself ever again.

Maria illustrates a pretty common scenario: what it's like to experience a broken heart, the time it takes to heal, and what it feels like when you finally get the chance to meet someone new. All it takes is time and patience.

Sadly, not all of us are meant to be with the person we happen to be with right at this very moment.

At some point in your life, you're going to be someone's rebound. Oh, it might seem like true love, but it's only temporary, until the other individual finds that perfect someone. Then you find yourself rocking the boat all by yourself.

Loving someone can be a challenge when you're both as different as night and day as seen here.

Sometimes, you and your significant other can feel like Mentos and Coke. Unfortunately, this might mean that he might not want the taste of Mentos and go off to find someone else. But in some cases, differences do attract like bees to flowers.

There's nothing more heartbreaking than when you love someone who doesn't love you back.

This illustration represents the face of life's struggles when it comes to finding someone to love. But just because it didn't work out with one person, it doesn't mean that there might not be someone else out there who is the French fry to your ketchup.

The moment we start living in the past is the exact moment that we stop living life altogether.

This drawing proves that a lot people tend to carry their past on their shoulder when they should be leaving that past behind and dropping whoever or whatever has hurt them in order to move forward.

Everyone wants to have their happy ending, but it doesn't just happen in a blink of an eye like magic.

Getting that happily ever after you've always envisioned requires hard work, and not just from one individual. It takes two to make a thing go right. So, start setting up those building blocks so you can have a sturdy tower to stand on with your significant other.
Everyone wants to have their happy ending, but it doesn't just happen in a blink of an eye like magic.
guada / Instagram

You've probably heard of the glass half empty/glass half full scenario, but this is more spot on.

You can either choose to be the person that's drowning under the pressures of everyday life, or you can choose to lay back and float above all of life's little obstacles until they pass. You have to admit; the latter option sounds easier.
You've probably heard of the glass half empty/glass half full scenario, but this is more spot on.
guada / Instagram

The perfect body isn't always about who's slimmer, or who isn't, or even about who's the prettiest.

If this image proves anything, it's that your body is incredible because of all of the amazing things it allows you to do. So, the aesthetic part isn't the only thing you should spend time focusing on. Thanks to that beautiful body of yours, you're able to experience love, kisses, warmth, go places, and even swim in the ocean.
The perfect body isn't always about who's slimmer, or who isn't, or even about who's the prettiest.
guada / Instagram

Our minds and spirits are like flowers that need watering, or in this case, a little tender loving care.

No one is completely autonomous. We often rely on others to help make us grow and shine, and it doesn't have to be a significant other. It can be a family member or a friend, just so long as they're providing you with positivity.
Our minds and spirits are like flowers that need watering, or in this case, a little tender loving care.
guada / Instagram

You can spend your whole life looking for your better half, but it's okay to stop looking to be found.

You can go on Tinder or singles' bars and look for a match now and then. But if you're not having much luck finding your better half, then stop looking. Just be yourself when you're out and about and the right person might come along.
You can spend your whole life looking for your better half, but it's okay to stop looking to be found.
guada / Instagram

There are all tons of ways to avoid making yourself happy, and these are just four examples.

Comparing yourself to others won't make you feel good about yourself. You also shouldn't ponder over the things you can't change. And if you're worried about how you look, you're in for a rude awakening. But if you spend your whole time living for others, you'll never live your dreams.
There are all tons of ways to avoid making yourself happy, and these are just four examples.
guada / Instagram

Don't obsess over those couples who are constantly posting photos of how happy they are.

It's okay to feel a little jealous when we see couples who are happy, especially when we're single. But not everything is what it appears to be. People prefer to post photos that make them look their best, but they don't always show you all the crevices behind the lie.
Don't obsess over those couples who are constantly posting photos of how happy they are.
guada / Instagram

Everyone feels sorry for you because you're single, but only you know the real truth about solitude.

The truth is that there are all kinds of people. There are some who can't stand the thought of being alone, and there are others who don't mind being on their own... at least, for a while anyway, because being on your own means you get to focus more on yourself.
Everyone feels sorry for you because you're single, but only you know the real truth about solitude.
guada / Instagram

Sometimes you have to know when to step back and accept the fact that he's just not that into you.

You can chase someone down and try to get that person to want to like you, but in the end, you'll never be able to win them over. But don't make excuses for them not being interested in you. Just accept that they don't want to date you and move on to someone who will like you.
Sometimes you have to know when to step back and accept the fact that he's just not that into you.
guada / Instagram

Everyone's got their own baggage to carry, but it's always nice when you can hand some of it off.

Having a best friend or a family member around is always ideal when you simply feel overburdened by life's struggles. There's nothing wrong with being independent, but once in a while, it's okay to rely on others.
Everyone's got their own baggage to carry, but it's always nice when you can hand some of it off.
guada / Instagram

At some point, you're going to feel like you've been tossed in the middle of an ocean without a raft.

You can choose to let life's woes overwhelm you or you can simply stand up and come out of the water. It's not easy, but once you do this, you'll realize that no matter what the issue is, it's totally manageable.
At some point, you're going to feel like you've been tossed in the middle of an ocean without a raft.
guada / Instagram

One of the worst things that you can do when you're not feeling happy is to ignore your feelings.

You might feel like it's better to pretend like you're okay, but in some cases, the best way to overcome that feeling of sadness is to accept it. Only then will you be able to move past it and find that silver lining to your cloudy day.
One of the worst things that you can do when you're not feeling happy is to ignore your feelings.
guada / Instagram

You don't have to be a mountain climber to appreciate this, but you can certainly recognize the similarities between this scenario and real life.

You have to adapt to any challenges you meet, and avoid looking back, but you should appreciate just how powerful you are for overcoming any obstacles along the way, and if you can't take big steps towards something, then take small ones. You'll still get there, it'll just take a little longer.
You don't have to be a mountain climber to appreciate this, but you can certainly recognize the similarities between this scenario and real life.
guada / Instagram

There are two types of love and one is completely unhealthy while the other one is so romantic.

When you love someone because you need a place to live or because they're able to buy you expensive things, then you're not experiencing love. You're just using someone. But when the thought of not being with your significant other feels physically painful, then that's when you know you're in love.
There are two types of love and one is completely unhealthy while the other one is so romantic.
guada / Instagram

You can say "I love you" to someone all the time, and it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

It's possible to say nothing at all and still let someone know that you love them by being there for them. This will let them know that you'll be willing to wait for them as long as it takes until they're ready to talk again.
You can say "I love you" to someone all the time, and it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
guada / Instagram

You might be open to the possibility of true love, but you're weary of people you're not sure of.

Will he stay forever, or is he just trying to have a good time? We've all been in those situations where our hearts are still mending and we're open to exploring a new love interest, but we don't want to welcome someone into our hearts who are only planning on sticking around short-term.
You might be open to the possibility of true love, but you're weary of people you're not sure of.
guada / Instagram

Everyone has their own personal demons that they must face, but not everyone knows how to face them.

Most people assume that you have to undergo some epic battle with your inner demons in order to deal with repressed or unconscious aspects of your personality. But what you really need to do is to stay strong and face those demons, and if possible, forgive those who have wronged you.
Everyone has their own personal demons that they must face, but not everyone knows how to face them.
guada / Instagram

Breakups are tough, and in most cases, a lot of us are in disbelief and in denial that this is permanent.

Some of us will assume that by some miracle, our exes will learn the error of their ways, miss us, and come running back to us. But then there are moments like this one, where you realize that it really is over and you have to deal with that and move forward.
Breakups are tough, and in most cases, a lot of us are in disbelief and in denial that this is permanent.
guada / Instagram

They say that the secret to freedom and happiness lies in not having any expectations at all.

There are some awesome benefits to deciding to act without any care in the world. You should also avoid becoming a martyr when things don't go the way you expected, and you avoid feeling disappointed and angry all the time. You can't get disappointed if you don't expect much from life, right?
They say that the secret to freedom and happiness lies in not having any expectations at all.
guada / Instagram

When you have anxiety, you might feel as though being with someone is a magical cure-all.

You're never going to fix anything in your life by trying to get into a relationship. You should be in a relationship for love. If you need a quick pick-me-up to get you through the tough times, then try some chocolates.
When you have anxiety, you might feel as though being with someone is a magical cure-all.
guada / Instagram

Self-control is our ability to control impulses in order to achieve other long-term goals.

But most of us have impulse-control issues, and no matter how much we plan, and evaluate our past actions, we end up doing things we later regret because we simply couldn't exert enough willpower to avoid doing them.
Self-control is our ability to control impulses in order to achieve other long-term goals.
guada / Instagram

We're all on a journey to find ourselves, and it's an ongoing life challenge that doesn't end at 21.

In order to find yourself, you first have to accept the fact that you're going to have to learn about yourself first. Finding who you really are can be enlightening, but it's not easy. You might get lost along the way, but once you do, you'll feel so accomplished.
We're all on a journey to find ourselves, and it's an ongoing life challenge that doesn't end at 21.
guada / Instagram

Tinder is a dating app that allows people to find a possible love connection in the digital world.

Like Facebook, people aren't always honest about their profile, but in this illustration, we get a glimpse of how much easier dating would be if people were a bit more truthful with their Tinder profiles. Who knows? People might get more potential dates swiping right.
Tinder is a dating app that allows people to find a possible love connection in the digital world.
guada / Instagram

Love can protect us and allow us to grow, but not everyone in this world is compatible with one another.

You'll find that certain similarities, which attract people to one another, don't necessarily hold up well over time. On the other hand, when two people are too dissimilar, then both can wind up making each other miserable.
Love can protect us and allow us to grow, but not everyone in this world is compatible with one another.
guada / Instagram
Check out Guadarrama her website and on Instagram and Twitter.
Source: deMilked

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